Celebrate Purple Friday with a Photo

The 2019-20 academic year marks the 10th anniversary of Purple Fridays, and in light of the current situation, it might be the most important year of the tradition.
Purple Fridays have never been confined to campus. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends have always been encouraged to show their support for the University by wearing Truman apparel on Fridays. While in-person classes may be suspended, all members of the Truman community are reminded the spirit of Purple Fridays lives on, no matter where they are.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Purple Fridays, and to show Truman solidarity in these uncertain times, anyone who participates in Purple Friday is encouraged to demonstrate their University pride by sharing a photo. Submissions can be sent here or by tagging Truman in photos on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. All submissions are eligible to be included on the University website, social media accounts and/or in future publications.
The idea for Purple Fridays was born in the fall of 2009 when members of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee proposed a designated day of the week for wearing Truman apparel. They reached out to other Truman groups on campus to get input. This informal group brainstormed and ended up with the foundation for Truman’s Purple Fridays, with the ultimate goal to encourage campus pride. Later that semester, Student Government voted on a resolution deeming the first Purple Friday as Dec. 11, 2009. Check out more information on this Truman tradition.