School of Arts and Letters Events
Wind Symphony II and Concert Band Concert
March 2
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Wind Symphony I Concert
March 3
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit
March 15
6 p.m., Public reception
University Art Gallery
"The Impresario" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Truman Opera Theatre Production
March 17-19
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
"The Impresario" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Truman Opera Theatre Production
March 20
3 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Double Reed Studio Recital
March 21
6 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Guest Speaker: Sam Davis – “Two Ears, One Microphone and No Safety Net: The World of Interpreting”
March 21
7:30 p.m.
Baldwin Hall 156
Phi Mu Alpha Chamber Music Series: The St. Louis Symphony Trombone Section
March 21
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Round Table: Sam Davis & Don Smith – “Translators & Interpreters”
March 22
3:30 p.m.
Baldwin Hall 156
Guest Speaker: Don Smith – “Adventures with Foreign Language: From Cold War to Domestic Peace”
March 22
7:30 p.m.
Student Union Building Alumni Room 2105
Guest Alumni Speaker: Anastasia Kohl – “Foreign Language Careers in Higher Education”
March 30
4:30 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish 2117
Guest Alumni Speaker: Anastasia Kohl – “Best Practices for On-line Language Teaching”
March 31
4:30 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish 2117
Chelsea Zellner Graduate Recital (flute)
March 31
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
"Waiting for Godot"– spring theatre lab show
March 31-April 2
8 p.m.
Black Box Theatre
Kubin Piano Trio Concert
April 1
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Gold Medal Concert – University Orchestra
April 2
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Lynnea Wootten Graduate Conducting Recital
April 3
2 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Guest Alumni Speaker: Grant Berry, Fulbright ETA Workshop
April 4
5 p.m.
Student Union Building 3201
Guest Alumni Speaker: Grant Berry – "Literature and Language Change"
April 4
7 p.m.
Baldwin Hall 314
Concert Percussion Ensemble II Spring Concert
April 4
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Phi Beta Kappa Society Visiting Scholar Michael Bérubé
April 4-5
Co-sponsored by English and Linguistics
Guest Alumni Speaker: Grant Berry – "Phonetic Alignment and Style Shifting in English"
April 5
6 p.m.
Baldwin Hall 314
Guest Alumni Speaker: Grant Berry – "How the Truman Experience Prepared Me for Grad School"
April 6
7 p.m.
Student Union Building Alumni Room 2105
Guest Alumni Speaker: Grant Berry – "When habla is not the same as está hablando"
April 7
7 p.m.
Baldwin Hall 156
Faculty & Guest Artists Oboe Recital: Elaine AuBuchon, Alison Robuck & Dan Willett
April 8
6 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Truman Chamber Orchestra and Guest Artist Carlo Aonzo (violin) present Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons”
April 9
4 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Christian Pierce Graduate Conducting Recital
April 10
2 p.m.
Baldwin Hall Auditorium
Truman Clarinet Choir Spring Concert
April 10
4 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Concert Percussion Ensemble I Spring Concert
April 11
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
“Murder Ballad” by Julia Jordan and Juliana Nash – mainstage theatre production
April 13-16
8 p.m.
James G. Severns Theatre
A modest admission fee will be charged.
Serena Burzi Graduate Conducting Recital
April 14
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Women's Chamber Ensemble
April 15
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Children's Literature Festival
April 15
Blair Dorosh Walther, documentary filmmaker
April 15
President's String Quartet Recital
April 17
6 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Jazz Band Concert
April 18
8 p.m.
Baldwin Hall Auditorium
Public reception for BFA/BA Thesis Exhibit
April 19
6 p.m.
University Art Gallery
Jazz Combo Concert
April 20
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Wind Symphony II and Concert Band Concert
April 21
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Johnny Vines, English and Linguistics Senior Seminar Conference
April 21-22
Honors Recital
April 22
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Wind Symphony I Concert
April 22
8 p.m.
Baldwin Hall Auditorium
University Orchestra and Chorus Concert
April 23
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Brass Choir Concert: "Look, Ma! No Transcriptions!"
April 25
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hal
Public reception for BFA/BA Thesis Exhibit
April 26
6 p.m.
University Art Gallery
Truman Trumpet Studio Recital
April 26
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Voice Majors Recital
April 27
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Directors Showcase of One Act Plays
April 27-29
8 p.m.
James G. Severns Theatre
Piano Student Recital #1
April 30
2 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Piano Student Recital #2
April 30
4 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
Cantoria Spring Concert
April 30
8 p.m.
Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall
For more information about any of these events, phone 660.785.4417.
Art Gallery Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday, Noon-4:30 p.m.
Closed in between exhibitions and during University holidays.