Jerrold Hirsch, professor emeritus of history, has his essay “The Donald to Name Individuals to Serve in a Trump Presidency,” available in Humorous Times: World’s Funniest News Source.
Peter Ramberg, professor of history of science, contributed a chapter to the recently published book “Newton’s Apple and other Historical Myths about Science” (Harvard University Press, 2015). The book treats 27 examples of incorrect but persistent ideas about science and its history, and is intended for a broad audience. His article discussed “Myth #7: That Friedrich Wöhler’s Synthesis of Urea in 1828 Destroyed Vitalism and Gave Rise to Organic Chemistry.”
Oct. 23, during National Chemistry Week, the Mark Twain local section of the American Chemical Society, along with the student affiliate group at Truman, celebrated the 400th meeting since its inception in 1950. The immediate past president of the society, Tom Barton of Iowa State University, attended the Mole Day celebration and made remarks on the future of chemistry for the student audience, then talked about chemistry and humor. Presentations were made to: Scott Luaders of Quincy University for his leadership in conducting the Chemistry Olympiad for the past 20 years; David Wohlers for serving as the local section councilor for 24 years and serving as the general chair of two Midwest regional meetings; and Dana Delaware for serving as treasurer of the organization for the past 28 years.