Truman Presents at Missouri Folklore Society Meeting
Truman students, alumni and faculty presented at the Missouri Folklore Society’s annual meeting Nov. 6-8 in Boonville, Mo.
Emily Wildhaber, English and anthropology major, was awarded the Dolf and Becky Schroeder Foundation Folklore Scholarship for her presentation, “We Were Always There, Always Honest, Always Open: An Oral History of an Argyle, Mo., General Store.” Students Richard Shewmaker, Jacob Hurst and Aaron Albrecht also attended and lead folk music events.
Alumnae Meredith Heist Rau and Annie Fuller provided a demonstration and discussion, “Spinning Our Way into Today: Continuing the Tradition of Fiber Arts.”
Antonio Scuderi, professor of classical and modern languages, presented “Masks and Demons of the European Carnival.” Betsy Delmonico, professor of English, staged a choral reading of a play written by pioneering ethnologist and folklorist Mary Alicia Owen, “Sacred Council Hills.” Adam Davis, professor of English, discussed the folk roots of osteopathic medicine and its philosophy. Barb Price, professor of English, and Andrea Davis, instructor of classical and modern languages, chaired sessions. Mary Barile from Truman State University Press was the guest speaker at the opening dinner, “The Haunted Boonslick: White Ladies and Dark Shadows.”
The Missouri Folklore Society website and newsletter are housed at Truman. The society’s 2016 meeting will take place in Kirksville.