Truman Day at the Capitol

Every year, Truman State University hosts an event in the Missouri State Capitol. We decided to mix things up a bit in 2014 and offered a dessert reception in the afternoon on the 3rd floor Rotunda. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni were able to meet with their local legislators and discuss important issues such as education.

We were also able to see our Missouri Government Interns in action. Students from Truman are offered a unique opportunity to intern with a legislator, public official or state agency. These students are given an inside look at the state government and political process. We are always so proud to have these students represent Truman State University at the Capitol! If you want more information on the Government Internship Program, visit us online at

A huge thank you to everyone who helped with and attended this event! It would not have been as successful without everyone’s hard work, and dedication to higher education in the State of Missouri. If you would like more information about next year’s Truman Day at the Capitol, email us at, or contact Heidi Templeton, director of public relations,
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