Jeffrey Gall, professor of history and social science education, was inducted into the inaugural class of the Van Horn High School Hall of Honor Aug. 26. The nine inductees were selected by the Van Horn High School Alumni Association.
Michael Goggin, professor of physics, and collaborators at the University of Queensland had their paper, “Two-photon quantum walks in an elliptical direct-write waveguide array,” published in the July 2011 issue of the New Journal of Physics ( The paper is a result of work done on a research trip to the University of Queensland during the summer of 2010. The trip was funded by the Australian Research Council and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity of the U.S. Army. Goggin also had a letter to the editor published in the July 29 issue of the journal Science.
Angelica McCreary, a justice systems student, has recently had her review of “Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder” published by the Internet Journal of Criminology (an international publication based in the United Kingdom). This book provides an analysis of the sociological and psychological factors associated with serial, mass and spree killings and is published by Sage, Inc., 2012. McCreary’s article can be found at
Jason Miller, professor of mathematics, received a grant with Richard Porter of Northeastern University in Boston, Mass., to organize and run the annual meeting of principle investigators for NSF PRISM programs. The meeting took place Aug. 12-13 in Washington, D.C., at the Carriage House of the Mathematical Association of America. Barbara Kramer, associate professor of chemistry, attended to represent Truman’s PRISM program.
Kyung-Chun (Andrew) Mun, professor of finance, recently had his solely-authored paper, “The Joint Response of Stock and Foreign Exchange Markets to Macroeconomic Surprises: Using U.S. and Japanese Data,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking and Finance. The publication is a prestigious academic journal in the area of finance with 2010 ISI impact factor of 2.731. In addition, Kyung-Chun Mun and Sandra K. Fleak, professor of accounting, had their co-authored paper, “Stock Market Adjustment to Earnings Announcement in the Presence of Accounting Irregularity Allegations.” accepted for publication in the Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, the journal published by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Michael Goggin, professor of physics, and collaborators at the University of Queensland had their paper, “Two-photon quantum walks in an elliptical direct-write waveguide array,” published in the July 2011 issue of the New Journal of Physics ( The paper is a result of work done on a research trip to the University of Queensland during the summer of 2010. The trip was funded by the Australian Research Council and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity of the U.S. Army. Goggin also had a letter to the editor published in the July 29 issue of the journal Science.
Angelica McCreary, a justice systems student, has recently had her review of “Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder” published by the Internet Journal of Criminology (an international publication based in the United Kingdom). This book provides an analysis of the sociological and psychological factors associated with serial, mass and spree killings and is published by Sage, Inc., 2012. McCreary’s article can be found at
Jason Miller, professor of mathematics, received a grant with Richard Porter of Northeastern University in Boston, Mass., to organize and run the annual meeting of principle investigators for NSF PRISM programs. The meeting took place Aug. 12-13 in Washington, D.C., at the Carriage House of the Mathematical Association of America. Barbara Kramer, associate professor of chemistry, attended to represent Truman’s PRISM program.
Kyung-Chun (Andrew) Mun, professor of finance, recently had his solely-authored paper, “The Joint Response of Stock and Foreign Exchange Markets to Macroeconomic Surprises: Using U.S. and Japanese Data,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking and Finance. The publication is a prestigious academic journal in the area of finance with 2010 ISI impact factor of 2.731. In addition, Kyung-Chun Mun and Sandra K. Fleak, professor of accounting, had their co-authored paper, “Stock Market Adjustment to Earnings Announcement in the Presence of Accounting Irregularity Allegations.” accepted for publication in the Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, the journal published by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.