Personal Financial Wellness Course Available This Fall
The Center for Academic Excellence will offer INDV 115, “Personal Financial Wellness,” from 12-1:20 p.m. Tuesdays during the first block of the fall semester.
This one-credit course will focus on many different aspects of personal financial management that will aid you while a student, but even more importantly, will provide helpful tips that will assist you once you secure your first job. Class sessions will address: how to put your best foot forward in getting a job, the basics of credit and debt, financial aid basics, your rights under a lease, creating and living on a budget, investing for your future, how taxes and insurance impact your budget, evaluating benefit packages, and how to make big-ticket purchases. This class is open to all students.
Registration is available on TruView with the Course Reference Number (CRN) 7868. For more information, contact