New Faculty and Staff Email System
The faculty and staff email system is being replaced. The manufacturer has discontinued the old system. A new email system with many improvements is now available. All faculty and staff email must move to the new system, and should contact the ITS Service Center at 660.785.4544 to schedule their upgrade.
The new email server provides the following improvements:
* Larger email mailbox sizes;
* Auto-discovery easy setup (email settings will be populated automatically to most computers and mobile devices);
* Improved client compatibility for Mac Mail, Mac Microsoft Outlook, improved Android support, improved Thunderbird support, etc.;
* Outlook Anywhere - Full Microsoft Outlook web connectivity from off-campus without requiring a VPN connection;
* A much improved Microsoft Outlook Web Application that works with all current web browsers and supports viewing shared calendars via the web;
* High-availability email services (built-in email server clustering and redundancy protections).
This link will answer the frequently asked questions about the email upgrade and has the step-by-step guides for setting up Android and iPhones with the new system.