Homecoming Philantrhopy Gives Money to Habitat for Humanity

Pictured front row (left to right) Chris McKinney, Laura Keck, Lauren Bolland, Meg Fullenkamp, Peter Howe, Trey Robinson and Chad Mohler. Back row (left to right) Winston Vanderhoof, Amy Currier, Robin Taylor, Laura Lukowski and Shane Reiser. Not pictured are Steven Chau, Lisa Dodge, Sunnie Hughes, Marcie Kotteman, Dawn Runge, Denise Smith and Cindy Thomas.
Representatives from the Homecoming Committee, Student Activities Board and the SERVE Center presented two checks to Habitat for Humanity members of the Truman and Kirksville chapters on behalf of Truman students who raised money during the 2005 Homecoming philanthropy campaign.
Money collected for Habitat for Humanity House No. 6 from Oct. 17-21 came to a total of $4,374.08. Funds collected for Hurricane Katrina victims on Oct. 22 came to a total of $501.
Fund-raisers sponsored by Truman’s Habitat for Humanity organization; the SERVE Center, who helped with the collection of money on Make a Difference Day; and Student Activities Board, who funded a mechanical bull during homecoming festivities, helped raise this money.