Truman to Host On-campus Scholar Bowl

This tournament will consist of two age divisions, fifth-sixth grade and seventh-eighth grade, with different sets of questions for each division. First and second place in each age division will receive medals and the all-tournament team members will receive books. This event has been sanctioned by MSHAA and standard MSHSAA scholar bowl rules will apply.
The day will start at 8:30 a.m. with a brief meeting followed by four morning pool play matches. A lunch break will take place at 12 p.m. and a list of on-campus and Kirksville dining options will be made available closer to the tournament. The event will resume at 1 p.m. with teams sorted into afternoon pools based on the morning results. All teams will play at least eight games. This format may be adjusted based on the number of registered teams.
Teams can sign-up here. There will be a $25 registration fee per team and each district is asked to bring one set of buzzers.