TAK Inducts Three Members

Three philosophy and religion majors, Devin Gant, Alex Moellering and Sydney Moxley, were inducted into Theta Alpha Kappa (TAK), May 9. TAK is the national honor society for students engaged in religious studies. Dedicated to promoting academic excellence, TAK fosters the development of local chapters and the support of student sections at the regional professional conferences of the SBL, ASOR and the AAR. The society also maintains a vigorous national program of scholarship awards and fellowship competitions. Its primary publication, the Journal of Theta Alpha Kappa, offers an annual prize and the publication of outstanding student papers. Pictured, from left to right: Ding-hwa Hsieh, Dereck Daschke, Gant, Mark Appold, Moxley, Patricia Burton, Lloyd Pflueger, Moellering and Chad Mohler.