Nursing Students Gain Experience in the Philippines
Nursing students who participated in a study abroad trip to the Philippines will present on their experiences to the public at 7 p.m. Oct. 11 in the Student Union Building Alumni Room.
For the 2016 summer semester, 12 nursing students traveled to the Philippines with professors Steve and Kit Hadwiger to gain clinical experience and develop culturally competent care skills.
The students spent three weeks at Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center in Manila and West Visayas State University Medical Center in Iloilo City. While in Manila, the students gained clinical experience assisting in the delivery of a newborn and providing care in various units of the students’ choosing. These included surgery, neonatal intensive care unit, postpartum unit, emergency department, pediatric intensive care unit and burn unit.
At Iloilo City, the Truman students paired up with nursing students from West Visayas State University to provide care both at the medical center and in the community. Clinical experiences in Iloilo City included home visits with an indigenous population of the Philippines, a social hygiene clinic, a leprosarium and hospital rotations in the medical, pediatric and surgical wards.
A video will be screened showing some of the highlights of their trip. Refreshments will be provided.

Truman's nursing students provided care for patients in the Philippines. Pictured, front row from left: Ashley Coe, Larissa Gunther, Kate Heman, Mickenna Broman, Sierra King and Jordan Day. Back row, from left: Katie Daugherty, Jessica Groenke, Erin Fisher, Hannah Hopson, Kaleigh Wagoner and Ashley Moll.