Students Encouraged to Focus on DeStressing Activities
As the end of the year and finals approach, it can be a stressful time of year. To help alleviate some of the stress, students are encouraged to “DeStress The Day” by stopping by the health and wellness awareness table from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 30 through Dec. 4 in the Student Union Building. Stop by the table to sign up for prizes, pick up a free stress ball or color a page. Coupons will also be available for a free three-minute chair massage that can be used between 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 30-Dec. 4.
Students are also encouraged to take a healthy study break with friends between 4-6 p.m Dec. 6 in the Wellness Zone of Pickler Memorial Library Room 108 or the Center for Student Involvement Complex Room 1102 in the lower level of the Student Union Building. Enjoy a free three-minute chair massage, food, goody bags, puzzles, games and other activities.
For more information on wellness and resources for coping with the different stressors such financial, social, physical, academic and finding a job after graduation, visit