Real Life 101 Offers Students Advice

Real Life 101 is a series of presentations that will teach students about such topics as buying a car, traveling on a budget and investing. There will be monetary incentives for students and student organizations that come to these events as well. Sponsored by the Career Center, Truman Parent Wellness Fund and Student Affairs.
All events will take place in the Student Union Building Alumni Room.

Basics of Health Insurance
5 p.m. Oct. 27
Sally Herleth, director of Human Resources
A short presentation over health insurance and its benefits and basics, such as deductibles, PPO, in-network, etc.

5 p.m. Oct. 29
Leo Speno and Jason Bangert, VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
A short presentation covering the basics of taxes

Buying a Car
5 p.m. Nov. 4
Hector Contreras, Kirksville Motors
A short presentation over the basics of buying a car, such as negotiating price, test driving, receiving a price quote, etc.

Rights Under a Lease
5 p.m. Nov. 5
Michelle Horvath, director of Citizenship and Community Standards, Student Affairs Office
A short presentation going over the terms and rights someone has under a lease

Paying off Student Loans
5 p.m. Nov. 10
Rhoda Kennard, Business Office; Melissa Garzanelli, Business Office; Lindsey Blake, Financial Aid Office
A short presentation going over the basics of paying off student loans
Creating a Budget
5 p.m. Nov. 11
Katherine Jackson, School of Business
A short presentation over the proper steps to take when creating a budget

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