
Taner Edis, associate professor of physics, had a chapter, “Muslim Resistance to Darwinian Evolution,” published in J. Seckbach and R. Gordon, eds., “Divine Action and Natural Selection: Science, Faith and Evolution.”

Teri Heckert, professor of psychology, had her article, “Alternative Service Learning Approaches: Two Techniques that Accommodate Faculty Schedules,” accepted for publication in the journal “Teaching of Psychology.”  This research was partially supported through a Truman State University Faculty Summer Research Fellowship.

Betty L. McLane-Iles, professor of French, was interviewed on “The Writer’s Voice,” a radio program on KRUU in Fairfield, Iowa, regarding her book “Dieppe Crossing.” The interview aired Jan. 16 and was rebroadcast Jan. 19.

Matthew Tornatore, associate professor of foreign languages, had his article “Trilce LXXV: los muertos natos,”an exegesis of a debated œuvre of César Vallejo’s Trilce, published in “Texto Crítico” (Vol. 16: 79-96) by the Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias of the University of Veracruz, Mexico.
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