Submission Information

Truman Today is a publication of Truman State University for students, faculty and staff. Deadline for entries is 5 p.m. the Thursday preceding Monday’s publication. Submit items to or complete a Truman Today submission form here. All information pertaining to news items can be filled out online, including the ability to upload images. All submissions are subject to editing for clarity, style and space. To receive a message when each new issue is available, submit an email address to

Helpful Tips for Submitting an Item

Don’t Forget the Details. Make sure all relevant information is included with your submission. When promoting an upcoming event, make sure the time, date and place of the event is included, as well as any other details the audience should know.

Include a Picture if You Have One. Posts that include an image perform better than those that only include text. Photos that are relevant to news or events will increase the likelihood more people will see your item. Pictures should be sent as their own file, not embedded in a Word document.

Pictures Work Better Than Posters. If you had a poster created for your event, consider submitting any image you may have used on it as its own file, rather than the completed poster. Many items in the Truman Today are shared on University social media accounts, which favor images rather than graphic-heavy or text-heavy posters.

Consider Using the Publications Office. Truman’s Publications Office can help student organizations and University departments with creating materials to promote their events free of charge. The Publications Office can also provide images in the correct size for the Truman Today, social media and traditional printed posters. For more information, contact the Publications Office at or fill out a work order job request at Information about Truman’s brand and visual identity can be found at
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