Environmental Committee Accepting Project Proposals

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Environmental Sustainability Fee Allotment Committee (ESFAC) is currently seeking proposals for improving sustainability and environmentalism on campus. Any individual or organization in good standing with the University can submit an application for funding for a project that aims to enhance sustainability on Truman’s campus. In the past they have funded projects such as updated compost equipment, bee houses, solar power for the University Farm and reusable water bottle fillers.

Applications should be well thought out and as detailed as possible, however the committee will help to refine submissions. Proposals can be completed using this form. The deadline for proposal submission is 12 a.m. March 16. For more details about the application process and guidelines, visit senate.truman.edu/archives/officialdocuments, or reach out to Willow Reese, committee chair, at sb85256@truman.edu.
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