Phi Beta Kappa Welcomes New Members

Truman’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa initiated 21 students, April 21. Pictured, front row, left to right: Melody Kay Zakarian, Naomi Xela Quedensley, Daphne Jane Zakarian, Anna Colette Cooper and Emma Caroline Whittenburg. Second row: Matt Robert Hartmann, Jessica Lee Jacobs, Justin Alexander Caringal, Zoe Ann Vetter, Wes Cole Henshaw, Bryan David Garth, Micaela Rose Reiss and Adam Franklin Bishop.
The Delta of Missouri chapter of Phi Beta Kappa inducted 21 students as members, April 21. Founded on Dec. 5, 1776, it is the nation’s oldest liberal arts and sciences honors society. Truman’s chapter was chartered in 2001 as the fourth granted to a Missouri institution of higher learning.
2024 Phi Beta Kappa Inductees
Adam Franklin Bishop
Kira Nicole Boegeman
Justin Alexander Caringal
Krishna Saurabh Chebolu
Anna Colette Cooper
Bryan David Garth
Matt Robert Hartmann
Wes Cole Henshaw
Jessica Lee Jacobs
Riley David Necker
Pranavi Govind Pitchyaiah
Naomi Xela Quedensley
Micaela Rose Reiss
Ella Rose Schnake
Luciana LaVon Scuderi
Mackenzie Elizabeth Sweeney
Zoe Ann Vetter
Zeyu Wang
Emma Caroline Whittenburg
Daphne Jane Zakarian
Melody Kay Zakarian