Sustainability Week Schedule

The Sustainability Office will host a campus-wide Sustainability Week Sept. 30-Oct. 5. The events of the week include:
Plastic Waste Documentary
7 p.m.
Sept. 30
There will be a showing of “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” to help educate the Truman community on how much plastic waste society goes through, what happens to it and what can be done to change. Free reusable straws will be handed out and popcorn will be served in reusable bowls.
Guest Speaker on Food Waste
6 p.m.
Oct. 1
Violette Hall 1000
The President’s Sustainable Action Committee, the Agricultural Science Department and the Environmental Campus Organization are sponsoring guest speaker, Jonathan Bloom, to present over food waste.
Lunch and Learn
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Oct. 2
Students and staff are welcome to lunch with food harvested from the University Farm and Green Thumb Garden, compost and compost bins. The lunch will be donation-based. All proceeds will go to the Green Thumb Project. Members of the Green Thumb Project will also be tabling and selling limited $20 student tickets for the local foods dinner.
Zero-Waste Workshop
7 p.m.
Oct. 3
Student Union Building Georgian Room C
Guests will make their own zero-waste toothpaste or deodorant in a glass jar and sit in on a quick presentation of programs in Kirksville and Truman for reducing their waste.
Local Foods Dinner
6 p.m.
Oct. 4
Jackson Stables
The annual benefit dinner for the Green Thumb Project includes a four-course, locally sourced dinner with live music and fine wine. Tickets are $50 and can be purchased at the Sustainability Office in Violette Hall 1310, Hy-Vee customer service desk, Take Root, Sebree's or Jackson Stables.
Photo Contest
Sept. 30-Oct. 4
Each day of the week, the Sustainability Office will choose a few environmental sites at Truman. Students can take a selfie at each place on any given day to enter in a drawing for prizes to be handed out Oct. 5. For more information, visit the Sustainability Office’s Facebook page or Instagram.
Sustainability Festival
11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Oct. 5
The first ever “Sus Fest” will celebrate all the environmentally friendly things learned throughout the week. There will be live music, yard games, activities, free reusable items and food. To conclude the event, there will be a multi-organization clean-up for Bear Creek. Anyone is welcome to help and can meet at 3 p.m. on the quad.