Hospice of Northeast Missouri to Offer Online Caregiver Weekly Support Group

Hospice of Northeast Missouri is offering a new online caregiver’s weekly support group.

John Bambrick, a chaplain and social worker, will facilitate the weekly online caregiver support group that will start Aug. 28. Anyone serving as a caregiver can drop in anytime from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. or stay for the entire session to receive emotional support, reassurance, a listening ear, help with problem solving and education on care giving. This free online group is a safe space to get support and discuss challenges without leaving your home or care giving duties.
There is no charge for the support group, but those interested should contact Bambrick in advance at JBambrick@hospiceofnortheastmissouri.org or by calling 660.627.9711 to get the required zoom link.
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