Earth Week Activities Continue Through April 27
Earth Week activities will take place through April 27. A full schedule of events can be found here. Follow @tru.sus on Instagram.
A scavenger hunt will begin at 10 a.m. April 22 with prizes available until April 27. Students can bring a picture of the 12 natural items listed on the scavenger hunt document to the Sustainability Office in Violette Hall 1310 in exchange for a free sticker and voucher for one free item from the clothing swap.
Terracotta Pot Painting
6-7:30 p.m.
April 22
Student Union Building Down Under
Paint mini terracotta pots to add to or start a house plant collection. The Compost Project will be providing compost and wildflower seed grab-bags for those who want to get their hands dirty.
Stargazing Open House
7:30-9 p.m.
April 22
University Observatory at the University Farm
Bring a blanket and get a constellation tour complete with myths from some amateur astronomical enthusiasts in the club.
4:30-6 p.m.
April 23
Slacklining is the art of walking on a flat line strung between two trees. In case of rain, slacklining will be canceled.
Print Club Screen Printing Demo
7-8 p.m.
April 24
Ophelia Parrish 2260
4:30-6 p.m.
April 25
Slacklining is the art of walking on a flat line strung between two trees. In case of rain, slacklining will be canceled.
Earth Fest
3-5:30 p.m.
April 26
Student Union Building front lawn
Earth Fest is an opportunity for campus and community organizations to come together to celebrate sustainability. There will be live music from True Men, Minor Detail and Dirt on the Coroner. Shelter puppies and kittens will also be there. Events co-occurring with Earth Fest include the Greenhouse Plant Clinic and the Clothing Swap. Student Government will also have sustainable items such as shampoo/conditioner bars, menstrual cups and vegan food.
Clothing Swap
3-5:30 p.m.
April 26
Student Union Building front lawn
Bring clean clothes, no graphic tees other than Truman ones, to the Sustainability Office in Violette Hall 1310 during open hours and fill out the simple form to record your donation.
Greenhouse Plant Clinic
3-5:30 p.m.
April 26
University Greenhouse
Got a plant whose health is giving you grief? Place it in the greenhouse staff’s capable hands and get diagnosis and treatment as applicable.
Environmental RHA Trivia
7-9 p.m.
Ryle Hall Main Lounge
Participate in an environmental-themed trivia night, with the questions written by staff in the Sustainability Office.
Outdoor Mushroom Production Workshop
April 27
University Farm
The University Farm will host two free outdoor mushroom production workshops from 12-3 p.m. April 27 and May 4. Students will learn the basics of outdoor mushroom production and inoculate their own mushroom log to take home.
Earth Week Send-Off Party
8-10 p.m.
April 27
Thousand Hills Park Group Campsite
Send off Earth Week 2024 with TruOutdoors and Stargazers at an outdoor bonfire and camping potluck. Bring food and a positive attitude. Camping overnight is encouraged but not required to come celebrate.