Nursing Students to Present on Philippines Trip

Fourteen nursing students traveled abroad to the Philippines, May 17-June 9, in order to gain clinical experience with a transcultural perspective.
Students were accompanied by former faculty members Kit and Steve Hadwiger, as well as current faculty member Rafael Tubongbanua. They spent the majority of their time in various parts of Iloilo, where they were a part of the 20th Transcultural Nursing Program at West Visayas State University. Each student was partnered with a Filipino nursing student from West Visayas who accompanied them to some of their clinicals in order to act as a translator and to teach students more about Filipino culture.
In their first week, students had clinical experiences at a gerontological nursing facility, social hygiene clinic, sanitarium, pediatric ward, medical ward and rural community in Badiangan, Iloilo. The following week, students participated in clinicals in the emergency room and intensive care unit. The also had the opportunity to deliver babies and provide newborn care in a labor and deliver unit, as well as assist in surgical procedures in the operating room.
Nursing students who participated in the Transcultural Nursing Experience included: Lily Crandall, Ingrid Erickson, Brianna Flores, Zoe Frantom, Luke Gittemeier, Claire Kendall, Susie LaFever, Cassidy Myers, Emily Schulz, Abby Van Soelen, Morgan Stoll, Samantha Trimmer, Anna Beth Wehr and Emily White.
These students will present about their experiences abroad at 7 p.m. Oct. 8 in the Student Union Building Activities Room. The presentation topics will include: communication process/language, health insurance/financing, family roles, social hygiene/STI, spirituality and health, nursing education and child-bearing. Refreshments will be provided.