Clarinet Choir to Perform at Music Educators Conference
The Truman Clarinet Choir has been selected to perform at the Missouri Music Educators Association 78th Annual In-Service Workshop/Conference.
One of only two small collegiate ensembles invited from throughout the state to perform, the clarinet choir concert will take place at 1:45 p.m. Jan. 28 at the Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach, Mo.
Directed by Jesse Krebs, associate professor of music, the Truman Clarinet Choir is comprised of 28 student clarinetists playing literature specifically composed for clarinet choir, as well as transcriptions of well-known works by composers. The group has also commissioned and premiered new works, including “The Shaman Speaks” by Dr. Vivian Fung in 2009.
The Truman Clarinet Choir has traveled the country for decades to perform — from the 1965 New York World’s Fair and the 1967 Canadian World Exposition in Montreal, to the 2012 Missouri Music Educators Association Conference, the 2012 Buffet/Vandoren Clarinet Ensemble Festival, and the 2013 Music Teachers National Association Conference at the Disneyland Resort. The ensemble also regularly performs for the community, including concerts at local elementary schools and assisted living centers.
This year’s ensemble boasts 17 former All-State clarinetists and is comprised equally of music majors and non-majors. Their upcoming MMEA concert will include a concerto performance featuring three accomplished Truman alumni: Lynn Seward Fryer, Cindy Price Svehla, and Luis Adolfo Víquez Córdoba, as well as a performance of an arrangement done by current Truman student Kyle Rieger.
The choir will perform a pre-MMEA concert at 6 p.m. Jan. 25 in the Ophelia Parrish Performance Hall.