
Adam Davis, professor of English, was interviewed on campus March 19 by Scripps-Howard News Service and CNN for a documentary on arson. Davis has written on the psychology and sociology behind the transformation of traditional Halloween pranking into the destructive “Devil’s Night” of Detroit and other Rust Belt cities. Davis discussed inversion festivals from ancient times through the present, during which behaviors which are normally forbidden may be tolerated or even expected, and the powerful are reminded of the limits on their power.

Betty L. McLane-Iles, professor of French, will be serving a second three-year term as the representative of the City of Kirksville’s Planning and Zoning Commission to the Kirksville Historical Preservation Commission, following the proposal and approval by Mayor Richard Detweiler and the Kirksville City Council. McLane-Iles will also be representing the Kirksville Historical Preservation Commission as a member of the Friends of the Forest-Llewellyn Cemetery Committee.

Mark Woodcock, a graduate MA in music student, is the recipient of the 2013 Robert Fountain Memorial Honorarium from the Macro Analysis Creative Research Organization (MACRO). The award is given to promising music students who are entering the field of music performance or conducting, and is given in memory of Dr. Robert Fountain, who was an internationally recognized choral conductor and music educator at the University of Wisconsin for many years. The award has a $1,000 stipend associated with it. MACRO is a nonprofit organization for all musicians. The primary goal of MACRO is to promote musical understanding through a practical synthesis of analysis, pedagogy, performance, composition and informed listening.
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