Forensics Adds More National Qualifications

Members of the Truman Forensics Team traveled to Columbus, Ohio, for a two-part competition known as the Holiday Frolic.

In Lincoln-Douglas Debate, sophomore Christian Johns led the squad with a quarter finals finish and a second place speaking award.

“The Holiday Frolic acts as a barometer for success at the National Championship Tournament, as it includes most of the same competition that Truman will face then,” Kristi Scholten, director of forensics said. “People who do well in debate at this tournament tend to do well at Nationals and those that don’t do well learn what they need to do to step up their game.”

Sophomore Elizabeth Hatting continued the debaters’ success when she received an Octofinalist award.

The success continued in Individual Events with three new qualifications for the National Championship in the spring. Freshman Jessica Petrie placed first in Persuasive Speaking, the first time she has traveled with this particular event, and is now qualified to take this event to Nationals.

Petrie also placed fifth in Extemporaneous and third in Impromptu. Freshman George Alan also qualified two events at his first-ever competition. He won Novice Impromptu Speaking and placed fifth in Novice After Dinner Speaking. This brings up the team’s total to 19 qualifications. 

Freshman Samantha Jones received a sixth place finish in Prose, and sophomore Andrew Grojean was an Impromptu Speaking semi-finalist.

During the second competition in the same weekend and same city, this time at Otterbein College, the team experienced even more debate success. Johns again received a Quarter-finalist award; Hatting another Octofinalist award; and junior Dylan Clark also received an Octofinalist award. Petrie was the only competitor that made it into a final round with a third place finish in Persuasive Speaking.     

Anyone interested in competing in forensics should contact Scholten at

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