Red, White and Blue Festival set for July 4-7

Kirksville will celebrate the Independence Day holiday with its annual Red, White and Blue Festival, July 4-7.
July 4
FLATS Uncle Sam Run
9 a.m.
Dukum Inn
Splash Bash
12-5 p.m.
Aquatic Center
Community Fireworks Display
South end of town
(rain date is July 5)
July 5
Cemetery Theater
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Forest-Llewellyn Cemetery
July 6
Community Band Concert
5 p.m.
Apple Pie Contest
5 p.m.
Sponsored by the United Way
Pie Auction
6 p.m.
Sponsored by the United Way
Summer on the Square Concert Featuring Aaron Russel Band
7 p.m.
Sponsored by Chariton Valley Association
July 7
Joint Service Club Pancake Breakfast
7-11 a.m.
Courthouse Parking Lot
Kiwanis Farmers’ Market
7 a.m.-12 p.m.
100 Block of North Elson Street
Classic Car Show
8-11:45 a.m.
Downtown Cinema 8 Parking Lot
All-American Red, White and Blue Parade
9:30 a.m.
Downtown/Franklin Street
Movie in the Park, “Leap”
Rotary Park