Truman Nursing Students Visit the Philippines

Truman nursing students visited the Philippines to gain clinical experience from a transcultural perspective. They will be giving presentations about their trip at 7 p.m. Oct. 3 in the Student Union Building Georgian Room A.
During the first week in Manila, the students participated in maternal and nursery care where they developed competencies in the assessment of birthing mothers and newborns and cross-cultural communication. Each student had the opportunity to assist in delivering a newborn baby. Students also had the opportunity to assist with patient care in units of their choice, including the major operating room, neonatal ICU, pediatric ICU and emergency.
From Manila, they traveled south to Iloilo City where the students enrolled in the 18th Transcultural Nursing Program at West Visayas State University. Clinical experiences included home visits within an indigenous Até population of the Philippines, a social hygiene clinic, a leprosarium, and hospital rotations in the medical, pediatric and surgical wards of WVSU medical center.
Communication and cultural accommodation during clinical experiences were facilitated by nursing student buddies from WVSU. Nursing students who participated were: Allison Bilkey, Delaney Carani, Grace Hegemann, Allison Lucash, Susana Merrick, Mallory Meyer, Anne Njoku, Audra Porter, Erica Riggs, Lindsey Schlichting, Abigail Tetzlaff, Carli Watson and Maria Weimer.
These students will present to the University their experiences while abroad at 7 p.m. Oct. 3 in the Student Union Building Georgian Room A. Presentation topics include: breach presentation during childbirth, meconium aspiration childbirth, hydrocephalus, leprosy, STI among commercial sex workers, cultural encounters, an Ati village and the blending of separation of church and state. A video will also be screened showing pictures from their travels. Refreshments will be provided.