Seven mathematics students presented their research at the Central States Mathematics Undergraduate Research Conference (CeSMUR), held at Truman April 15-16. The students were Chad Robertson, presenting “The n=4 Case of Fermat’s Last Theorem, Gaussian Integers and Elliptic Curves”; Josh Bright, presenting “Valid Configurations of the Rubik’s Cube”; Raquel Rhoads, presenting “RSA Cryptography”; Will St. Pierre, presenting “For the Productive Mathematician: Categorical Products and Coproducts”; Ross Perryman, presenting “Exploring Adjointness via Free Objects”; Josh Liebmann, presenting “Moral Sentiments, Altruism and the Dictator Game”; and Nathan Wikle, presenting “Torsion in Riemannian Geometry.”
Michael Seipel, professor of agricultural science, was named an Honorary State FFA Degree recipient at the 88th Missouri FFA Convention. Seipel was highly involved in FFA in both high school and college. He participated in career development events such as dairy cattle evaluation, livestock evaluation and prepared public speaking. He served as a state officer on the 1986-1987 officer team. He has continued to contribute to FFA by assisting the Macon FFA chapter. Seipel has helped with both area and district public speaking contests, and in the facilitation of the area Greenhand Motivational Conference at Truman. The Missouri FFA Association recognizes Honorary State FFA Degree recipients at its annual state convention for their valuable efforts and contributions to the FFA organization and its members. Those eligible to receive the Honorary FFA Degree include farmers, school superintendents, principals, members of the board of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in agricultural education, business professionals and others who are helping to advance agricultural education and the FFA while rendering outstanding service.
Bridget Thomas, professor of classics, has been appointed as the new director of Interdisciplinary Studies for a three-year period, beginning June 1. She will support interdisciplinary majors and minors, the JINS Program and writing-enhanced and student facilitated courses, as well as other interdisciplinary initiatives.